Empowering Palestinian Community to Utilize Sustainable Development Opportunities

13 Jun 2024
Empowering Palestinian Community to Utilize Sustainable Development Opportunities

Strategic objectives

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of SDGs, climate change, and environmental issues.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the Municipal Technical Exchange Hubs and APLA staff.
  • Improve APLA service provision to member LGUs.

Budget: Euro 150,000

Duration: 18 months, January 2024-June 2025

Overall objectives: Empower Palestinian communities to capture opportunities for sustainable development.

Specific objectives and interventions

  1. Strengthen the capacity of LGUs and APLA staff by providing needed knowledge and skills to address climate change and environmental challenges
  • Provide capacity building to LGU staff.
  • Provide capacity building to APLA staff.
  1. Raise awareness and engage LGUs and local communities in SDGs
  • Design and implement an awareness-raising campaign on SDGs and climate change.
  • Support LGUs to implement community engagement activities.
  • Develop SDGs community engagement programmes.
  • Compile the annual report on SDGs.
  1. Enhance APLA service provision to members
  • Conduct studies for LGUs: Paper and cardboard waste management and multisectoral cooperation to achieve SDGs.
  • Develop the Manual for the Technical and Legal Support Unit Services.