Budget: Euro 700,000
Funded by: GIZ
Duration: 24 months, January 2024-March 2026
Overall objective: Realise the social potential to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) throughout Palestinian LGUs.
Main activities and interventions
- Mobilize local capacities to implement the 2030 Agenda
- Organize SDGs orientation sessions for LGUs mayors.
- Provide capacity building to LGUs in SDGs areas.
- Support LGUs to raise awareness of SDGs.
- Support capacities of the APLA executive team.
- Support LGUs to align local development plans with SDGs.
- Create an institutional framework to provide effective monitoring and reporting of SDGs.
- Operate and upgrade the SDGs Hub as an SDGs monitoring, raising-awareness and advocacy tool.
- Initiate a process to monitor local SDGs.
- Improve and scale up the Technical and Legal Support Unit services
- Implement activities of the Municipal Technical Exchange Hubs.
- Enhance services delivered by the Technical and Legal Support Unit.