L.A.N.D project: Local Authorities Network for Sustainable Development

 Project duration: 36 months

Funded by: The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation ‘AICS’

Budget: €489,601.21


This project aims to support the role of Palestinian local authorities to set up comprehensive and sustainable local development strategies and policies, Particularly concentrating on environmental protection, restoration and evaluation, thus considering the Palestinian context, which is yet extremely weak, fragmented and with great economic and social inequalities within it, because of the difficult geopolitical situation, the territorial fragmentation due to the presence of Israeli settlements and international isolation. The project aims to transfer the experiences and good practices between Palestinian Local Authorities and their counterparts in the Umbria Region - Italy, which will mark the beginning of an institutional cooperation between them.


The project has two specific objectives:

  • Strengthening the capacity of Palestinian Local Authorities to plan and manage in joint environmental services to reduce waste, regenerate green spaces and support for circular economy initiatives.
  • Promoting awareness-raising and participation of the local communities involved in support of local and national strategies for environmental sustainability.


Twenty-one Local Government Units (LGUs) were selected to be targeted within this project, through the formation of clusters for joint action on environmental issues, it’s purpose to transfer the experiences and good practices of the Italian local authorities and other technical and institutional partners to the targeted Palestinian local authorities which is located in areas mostly classified as the so called “Area C”, in the field of inter-municipal planning and management of environmental services, on the assumption that, precisely in the most marginalized contexts, pool the forces and strategically plan in a participatory way is the most effective strategy to launch a real process of development from the bottom up and improve the quality of life of citizens.  

Outcomes and Outputs

RESULT R.1: The Palestinian Local Authorities involved are better able to plan and implement processes of participatory governance, planning and inter-municipal management of environmental services.


Strengthening the ability of Palestinian Local Authorities to manage environmental and sanitation services in the clusters.


42 institutional and technical representatives of the 21 LGUs involved.


  • Report analysing institutional structures and the context of intervention.
  • Guidelines document for the establishment of Inter-Municipal Purpose Consortia (CIS).
  • Collective meetings between LGUs.
  • Trainings and exchange of good practices.
  • Memoranda of Understanding for the establishment of CIS.
  • Documents designating steering committees and management committees.


Participatory planning of inter-municipal environmental plans (IEP).


42 representatives and technicians from the 21 LGUs involved; 10,000 citizens (about 10% of the population of the target areas).


  • Training and technical assistance for the elaboration of inter-municipal environmental plans.
  • Participatory workshops.
  • Inter-municipal environmental plans.
  • Public events for the presentation of the Plans.

RESULT R.2- Initiatives for the reduction of solid urban waste, the rehabilitation of public spaces and the experimentation of circular economy projects have been implemented.


Implementation of Intermunicipal Environmental Plans and Circular Economy Actions for the improvement of services provided by LGUs.


40 schools supplied with 400 waste collection containers; 2,100 waste collection containers; 4 LGUs financed for the implementation of pilot initiatives to regenerate green areas; 40 young people and women trained in circular economy entrepreneurship; 8 young entrepreneurs selected and supported.


  • (2,500) waste containers for the collection of solid urban waste for the two target areas.
  • Technical assistance for the creation of Reuse Centres.
  • Two Reuse Centres launched.
  • Two PPPs (Public-Private Partnership) signed for the management of Reuse Workshops.
  • Pilot initiatives for the redevelopment, recovery and management of green areas.
  • Training seminars on entrepreneurship in the circular economy.
  • Eight start-ups or existing enterprises selected, financed and accompanied with coaching activities for twelve (12) months.

RESULT R.3- Citizens, especially young people, are aware of and more involved in environmental issues and in the initiatives promoted by local authorities in the areas involved.


Awareness-raising activities, information and promotion of voluntary work to improve the level of urban hygiene and the quality of public space.


20 Palestinian schools (an average of 1 school per LGU involved); 40 teachers (an average of 2 teachers per school); 40 youth leaders (an average of 20 youth per target area); 3,600 students involved (an average of 30 students per class in the 120 classes involved).


  • Information course on environmental issues developed based on the preliminary analysis.
  • Meetings to present the course to the heads of the schools in the target areas.
  • Twenty schools involved (letter of acceptance).
  • Training sessions for 40 teacher-mentors.
  • Awareness-raising sessions for students carried out.
  • Awareness-raising seminars for young leaders.
  • Inter-municipal workshops for the development of Manifesto proposals.
  • Final workshop for the development of the final version of the Manifesto.
  • Youth Local Authorities event.
  • Eight projects for the care of green areas carried out by the groups of young leaders.


Communication and dissemination activities


300 representatives of local authorities, national and international institutions participate in the 3 public events in Palestine, 100 per event; 150 participate in the L.A.N.D. Forum.


  • A graphic concept, logo and multimedia materials.
  • A digital brochure in Italian, English and Arabic.
  • Illustrative material of the Intermunicipal Environmental Plans.
  • Three public events in Palestine, One (1) per year.
  • Forum "L.A.N.D. - Local Authorities in Network for Sustainable Development" in Umbria.


Project Partner